Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Deer Valley

 I got to go to Deer Valley with Ali. I always dreamed of the day when my kids were in school all day and Ali and I could get season passes and ski to our hearts content. My kids are in school all day and have been for a few years. The tricky thing about ski season is that it is also when my job at Cotiviti is in full swing and I'm working 20-30 hours per week. It's too hard to step away and ski weekly. So there is not a season pass in my future but it's ok. I enjoyed our one ski day and we skied our hearts out. We got to ski Empire which is all black diamonds and double black diamonds. I haven't gotten to ski that in years and it was so fun. Plus it was a powder day and the snow was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better ski day with my sister.

Thanks mom and dad for lunch!
I had a stye in my right eye and as it got better I had a bunch of swelling and bruising. You can see the bag under my eye and it was all bruised. My goggles made it worse so I looked really beat up during lunch.