Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Lynnlee's 14th Birthday

Lynnlee had fun birthday celebrations over a few days! Her friend party was the Saturday before. Everyone came here and had pizza and she opened presents.

Then Marshall and I took all of them to Classic Skating. Everyone could choose between skates and blades. There were walkers they could use. None of her friends had been and couldn't do either so they slowly went around. Lynnlee got new blades for her birthday so we was excited to try them out. 
The night got a little crazy when one of her friends fell and broke her arm. The friend's mom picked her up and took her to the ER. Such an unfortunate turn to the night! 
The day before Lynnlee's birthday we went to Provo to her dermatology appointment. Crispy Cone is really close so we went and got a treat. I love Crispy Cone so much! Yum!
Her actual birthday was a great day! We started off with presents and banana chocolate chip pancakes. 

She wanted to go shopping so Marshall took her and Cam's family joined a long. 
Then she went to Dry Creek with some friends while I made her dinner.

We had birthday dinner and ended the night with her favorite ice cream. It's been another great year for Lynnlee. She had more heart appointments and testing but everything is looking good. She has a nice group of friends who are kind and supportive to each other. She enjoys school and has straight As so far even in the advanced classes. She loves to babysit and makes a good amount of money babysitting for a couple of families in our neighborhood. She is active and loves soccer and rollerblading. She enjoys baking, arts and crafts. She is very responsible and I can always count on her to help her siblings, help with dinner, and go with me on shopping trips.