Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Chocolate Tasting

 We had a chocolate tasting per Lynnlee and thanks to her for the fun and yummy activity! We bought every milk chocolate bar at Walmart. I'm sure if we went to some other stores we could have found some other brands to add to it but seven kinds seemed sufficient.

Lynnlee kept the whole thing organized. I just wanted to eat them and rate them from best to worst. Everyone else took turns being blind folded and guessing which brand of chocolate they were eating. Lynnlee did the best out of everyone. She guessed five out of seven correctly.
Marshall did the worst :) Everyone else guessed one or two correctly. 
After I sampled all of them I was blind folded and guessed the brand. I got five out of seven. I would not have been able to do that had I not sampled them first. 
The funny thing is that I rated the Walmart bar at the top with Tony's. Now I know if I ever want chocolate, I will be just as satisfied with a one dollar bar as I would with the five dollar bar.