Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


One week old...

The first week went by so fast and so much has changed. We want to try and take pictures of him every week so we can see all the changes. Here are his one week old pictures. We dressed him in his Sunday outfit to take some pictures because he'll probably grow out of it before he goes to church. He is so much fun!


Jameson's birth story

I think birth stories are fun. Before I had James I read lots and lots of birth stories on the internet to help me prepare. I want to include Jameson's birth story to the blog.

My due date was August 19th. I planned on working up until the day before my due date. However a couple of days before August 13th I worked 4 days in a row. It was really exhausting and I lost my mucous plug over those days. I came home from work and felt super hungry all night. We ate dinner and then I had 2 bowls of cereal later that night. Then we went to bed.

Wednesday, August 13th: At 4:30 am I woke up to a "Pop." I thought it maybe was my water breaking but I never got a big gush of water coming out. Instead it was just a trickle-still not normal. I decided to wait to see if the contractions started to know for sure that it was real labor. I tried to fall back asleep but the contractions started and it was uncomfortable enough that I couldn't sleep. I decided to shower and pack a hospital bag. I just kind of teetered around for a few hours, checking my email, eating a bowl of cereal (who knows when I would get to eat again), watching the news but meanwhile my contractions were getting stronger and closer together.

By 8:30 am we decided to go to the hospital. We checked in and the nurse checked to see if the water I was leaking was amniotic fluid and sure enough it was. I was only dilated to a 2 but the contractions were already really painful. Since I was trying to go natural I was able to take a hot bath but that didn't distract me from the contractions. I tried everything to help move labor along and get my mind off the pain. I walked around, sat on the medicine ball, and listened to my hypnobirthing tracks on my iPod. I had to stay really focused because I was in so much pain. Only Marshall and the birthing coach were in the room because I couldn't concentrate with anyone else in the room. The pain got so intense I began throwing up (so much for the bowl of cereal). I lasted until 2:00 pm. At that point I broke down and asked for an epidural. I was so exhausted and so uncomfortable and so I was glad I got it. It seemed like the epidural didn't hurt like I thought it would because I was in so much pain. The craziest part is that I was only dilated to a 3 maybe a 4!!!

I felt much better after the epidural was done. The nurse anesthetist who put it in did a great job. I couldn't feel pain but I could still move my legs and move around in bed. My family and in-laws came to visit and the afternoon was so much more enjoyable. They started pitocin after awhile because I wasn't progressing. Finally at 8:00 that night I felt like I needed to push. I pushed for 2 hours!!! James just didn't want to come out. After an episiotomy and using the vacuum, James was born at 10:19 pm. Unfortunately the epidural had worn off by the time I was in the last pushes. I felt the episiotomy and all that was to follow. So I guess in a way I got what I wanted because I felt some of the pain you experience by going natural.

James weighed 8 lbs 9 oz. I guess a lot of the pain was back labor because of his position in the uterus. I definitely plan to get an epidural with the next baby.

Start of something new!

Now that we have a new little boy we decided we better start a blog so we can post pictures. Jameson Marshall Lowry was born August 13th at 10:19 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long. He is so much fun and is teaching Marshall and I new things every day. Here are hospital pics.