Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



I haven't had much time to blog lately. Here are some pictures of James and what he's been up to lately. He's at a really interesting stage because he can be so fun and so happy and then the next moment have the biggest melt down/tantrum. It definitely makes life interesting!
It's funny to watch him play. One day he pulled up his chair next to the toy car garage. I don't know where he learns these things from?

He loves to sneak in Marshall's office and sit at his computer.

He doesn't normally wear his swimsuit but on this day we were getting ready to go swimming.

He always gets to needy at dinner time and wants to be held. Since I'm trying to make dinner and there's hot stuff and sharp stuff to look out for I can't hold him or let him help. One night I just wanted him to play and be happy so I could make dinner. I decided to fill the sink up with water, put a few kitchen utensils in the water and let him play. He loved it. He was soaking wet after but it kept him entertained so I could make dinner. The only problem is he always wants to play in the sink now.

It's not very often you can get two toddlers to sit still for a picture. Also he has a really hard time playing nice. He doesn't understand the sharing concept yet and so it can be a little interesting when cousins or friends come to visit. His cousin Kjersti came to visit and luckily they both were happy watching a show.

He loves doing tricks with Marshall.

I don't know why but James and any kid who has played with this car garage also thinks it doubles as a seat. I guess it's because it's the right height.

James needed a hair cut a few weeks ago. Usually Bonnie, Marshall's sister cuts it. Since she just had a baby I decided to try and cut it. It can't be that hard right? I cut Marshall's so I'm not completely out of practice. Well turns out James was terrified of the hair cutters. I was only able to cut the bottom half of his hair before he completely lost it. We even tried to bribe him with treats. I cut Marshall's hair too so James could see the hair cutter wasn't scary or painful. It didn't help though. By the end there was hair all over the kitchen floor (the dark spots are the hair clumps).

James loves to go swimming with his best friend, Benson. They also like to get in the lockers after we are done swimming.

There's a little peak of what James has been up to. Sorry the pictures are blurry. They are from my phone.