Lynnlee had a doctor's appointment with her cardiologist two weeks ago. She is now off all medications except aspirin! (she will be on that for life) She doesn't have to see the cardiologist until May! Lynnlee has been a little behind with her gross motor skills....rolling, crawling, standing, clapping, etc. She had a developmental specialist evaluate her last week. The specialist showed me what Lynnlee should be doing at this age and told me some things to do with her to help get her caught up. Then a physical therapist will work with her in the next few weeks. It is truly amazing how fast Lynnlee has picked up on everything. I've been working with Lynnlee since Wednesday afternoon and in just a few days she is rolling across the floor, standing for more than 5 minutes at a time and clapping. She did all of those things today. She is such a strong little girl! At this rate she won't even need to see the physical therapist.
James has been reminding us that he is a terrible 2 year old :) Thank goodness for the fun times but definitely don't love the melt downs, saying "no" to everything, and short attention spans. As for the fun stuff, I love when he says, "Mommy, I need more tickles," "I love you," helps me in the kitchen and sings songs with us at bedtime.
I'm mostly a stay at home mom but starting in February I will work one night a week at the hospital. I think it will be fun for Marshall to have a night with the kids :) I did apply for a job that would allow me to work from home which is near impossible to find as a nurse. It would be awesome if I got the position!
Marshall is busy starting up a business and working at Lowry Doors. He is always on the go and hopefully it will all pay off in the end!