Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Silly Boy

James has been showing off his silly face lately. We are now in the, "Mom watch this" stage. It's fun but tricky when we are in the car. May as well be texting and driving because the distraction is the same.

He and Lynnlee jam out to their favorite song and it's the best time to take a picture of him because he's really smiling.

We took advantage of the Father's Day special at Krispy Kreme where you bring in an ugly tie and get a free dozen of donuts. James couldn't get enough.
The other morning we were sitting at the table eating breakfast. James got up and went potty. Next thing I hear him say from the bathroom, "Mom do you like me?" and I said, "Yes James I LOVE you!" and he said "No, do you LIKE me?" and I said, "Yes James I LIKE you!" Then he said, "No will you WIPE me!?" I was totally hearing him wrong the whole time. I'm not used to him asking that and maybe I need my hearing checked!