Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Heart Baby

Lynnlee had a heart cath on Friday. It was so nice to get it over with. We were anticipating it for the last month and didn't know how she would do since she's getting older. Even though she's older and knows more what is going on, she is also getting easier to reason with so everything went pretty smooth. It also helped that they gave her Versed to keep her calm when it came time to hand her to the nurse. It made her really loopy and giggly so when we handed her to the nurse she didn't have a care in the world.

This is Lynnlee before.

After she had to lay down for 6 hours. I was worried about that because how do you make a 19 month old lay down for 6 hours during the day. It was kind of tricky but with a lot of bribing she did pretty good. She was still sleepy too so she slept through some of it.

Right before we left she went down to radiology for one more x-ray. She got to ride in style in this wagon.

The Cardiologist was really happy with how everything went. Now we just wait to see when her final surgery will be.