Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



For preschool on Friday we had a Halloween party. I made a reversible superman/batman cape for James a few weeks ago. Whenever I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween he said, "Superman, Batman." So pretty much he alternated between costumes for Preschool and Halloween.
London, Grace, Benson, James, and Grandin

At the end of class we frosted cookies.

Here is James's cape. Lynnlee was Super Lynnlee. She wanted a cape just like her brother.

On Halloween we went trick-or-treating at my Mom's house with James's and Lynnlee's favorite Aunt Betsy.

James chose to be Superman for trick-or-treating.

Super Lynnlee

Yesterday our ward had a Halloween carnival. James chose to be Batman for that.

Lynnlee's pants weren't clean yet but she still wanted to be in the pictures. She was coming up with her own poses.

She's such a funny girl! Did I mention she's potty trained? Yep, she was super interested so we did the 3-Day program and she was successful!