Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Christmas Traditions

I love Christmas traditions! Christmas Eve wouldn't be the same without bowling at Holiday Lanes with my family. I decided to make new bowling shirts this year. The old shirts were blue and about 5 years old. Lynnlee didn't have one so it was fun to do new color. I went about making them the cheap way. A trip to D.I., 2 bottles of red dye, and a package of iron-ons and VIOLA - you have new bowling shirts.

They didn't have James's size at D.I. so I had to go with the next size up which was like a dress on him. Luckily he didn't mind and it will definitely fit him for the next 2 years.

We kept the same logo as our blue shirts.

Marshall bowling it up.

Lynnlee and Rose.

The next tradition for Christmas Eve: Lowry Family party.

We sang songs and then each great grandchild got a present from Grandpa Lowry and "Charlie." I love the look on Lynnlee's face. She definitely didn't know what to think about all of this.

James's face was just as good. He eventually smiled after Charlie gave him a present.

The last tradition for Christmas Eve is getting pajamas. James and Lynnlee were so excited they were yelling "cheese" in this picture. Too bad when you say the word "cheese" it doesn't make for the best smiles.

Marshall and Rose sporting the pajamas.

I'm glad we were able to keep up with the traditions of Christmas Eve. It was a very fun day!