Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Kaden Ando Lowry

We are so happy to be a family of 5! Kaden arrived on Sunday at 11:35. He weighed 9 lbs exactly and is 21" long. Here is the birth story:

I really thought I would go into labor on my own and early since James was one week early and Lynnlee was three weeks early. With this pregnancy I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced at 37 weeks. My in-laws were leaving on their mission at the end of June so I was hoping to have him before then. With all of that said, Kaden wasn't coming for anything. My sister was in town the first week in July and he wasn't even coming that week. Thank goodness for induction dates. I was induced Sunday morning. I was hoping to have a natural delivery. I've done hypnobirthing and felt prepared. I worried about how the pitocin would affect going natural since I was induced.  I checked in at the hospital at 7:00 and was dilated to a 5. By 7:30 the pitocin was going. My doctor broke my water at 8:30 and the contractions started getting a lot worse.  I hung in there a few hours until I was a 7 and couldn't bare any more pain. So I gave in and had an epidural and I am really glad I did. The rest of the experience was so much more enjoyable. I was ready to push by 11:00 and by 11:35 he was here. I'm glad it all worked out the way it did. It was a lot faster than my other labors.

James and Lynnlee came to the hospital to meet him. They didn't want to touch him at first but after he came home from the hospital they were excited to hold him. 

Thanks to my favorite book Baby Wise and Kaden being 9 lbs, we are actually getting good amount of sleep so far. He has been going 5-6 hours in between feedings through the night. James and Lynnlee still take naps so we have family nap time from 1:00-3:00 everyday. It has been so nice!