Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Farm Country

Every few Fridays a group of moms from my neighborhood get together at Thanksgiving Point. We rotate which venue we go to. We went to Farm Country this time. It was fun but it was very cold and windy.

Lynnlee asked for a picture by the cow and then posed all on her own. She is such a cutie.

Our neighbor friends also were the ones Kaden played Itty Bitty Ball with. Lynnlee and Liam's brother, Brennan became good friends at Itty Bitty Ball. They had a lot of fun together at Farm Country.
Brennan is a heart hero like Lynnlee. His heart defect is called Tetralogy of Fallot. It is the same defect that the famous snow boarder Shaun White has. I met Brennan's mom at a luncheon for mom's of children with heart defects. That was years ago when we lived in American Fork. Brennan's grandma lived in our ward in American Fork and Marshall was her home teacher. When we moved to Lehi we just happened to move down the street from Brennan's family.  So it's pretty fun that Lynnlee and Brennan have become such good friends!

They are spoiled to get to ride the ponies every time. I would have loved that as a kid.

Lynnlee went to kindergarten after and the rest of us took naps. Kaden napped like this. I think he must have been pretty tired.