Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Last Potty Training

I tried potty training the minis in September but it didn't go so well. It has been on my mind to try again. It seems like when you are waiting for the right time to do something there will never be the perfect time. You just have to do it and everything else will fall in to place. Last Wednesday James and Lynnlee got the minis all excited to use the potty. We put underwear on them and just went for it. I put the treats in this barbie potty so they would know that was their reward.
We also printed of potty charts for their stickers. Then I filled their sippy cups with juice. Taggart had one accident right off and then stayed dry the rest of the day, including through his nap and night time. Sienna wasn't so easy. She has been way more stubborn through this whole thing.There were lots of tantrums trying to get her to go potty. The first few days she didn't want to go in the toilet but also didn't want to have an accident in her underwear. She held it for seven hours on Thursday. That night she stayed dry through the night and didn't go again until ten the next morning. She is pretty strong headed to hold it for fourteen hours.

It wasn't the best timing to potty train over a busy weekend with the funeral. It was pretty crazy but we got through it ok. This week has been great and Sienna is now going willingly and regularly. Taggart has been great and had few accidents. Thank goodness because I think I would have given up if he hadn't figured it out.