Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Goblin Valley (Spring Break Part 2)

We went to Goblin Valley for spring break. We got there Thursday night as it was getting dark. We camped a few miles from the state park. The camp site was so much fun! We were off the main road and could all ride our bikes around without worrying about other cars. We were by a river and explored all around Friday morning.

This is the first time the minis have camped and not stayed in pack n plays. They slept so much better which means we all slept so much better. We were all up by 7 on Friday morning and got an early start. It is a good though because the weather was beautiful and calm that morning. I'm glad we took advantage of it because the wind picked up at noon that day and never stopped the rest of the time.

Breakfast options consisted of muffins, bagels or cereal. I brought lots of extra food this time so it was nice to have choices.

One of the views around camp.

Lynnlee found a heart shaped rock so of course we had to take a picture.

Our camp site was off the main road at the end of the dirt road. It was perfect for riding bikes. It was uphill away from our camp and so we road up and down the hill to camp over and over. Except for Taggart. I think he made it once in that time. He was like the tortoise. Sienna hasn't really embraced the balance bike so she just ran while the rest of us were on bikes.

We climbed up this little sand mound that over looked camp and the dirt road.

We were a little worried about the water but there was always someone watching the minis when they were out. The rest of the river was very shallow and narrow.

We went to Goblin Valley around 9:30. We took tons of pictures! Usually no one wants pictures but everyone wanted pictures taken here. Most the rock formations through the valley are small and safe to climb on. Some of these pictures are from Saturday. They all got mixed in together when I uploaded them.

The rest is not in order. Thursday night the noise of the frogs was so loud. So Friday night Marshall went out to find a frog to show the kids. 


 He came back with two frogs. The kids were squealing and giggling while watching them hop around.


Marshall took this beautiful picture Friday night.

 This is a little out of order because of how the pictures loaded. Friday we stayed at Goblin Valley until noon when the wind started. It was blowing sand in our eyes. We had lunch back at camp and then had quiet time for the minis. This was a highlight because we all fell asleep. It was so windy that no one wanted to go outside while the minis were napping.
The sleeping princess....

After nap selfies...

We decided we couldn't let the wind keep us from our plans. We hiked a trail a few miles from camp, northeast of Goblin Valley.

It was so windy at times but we got used to it and still had a good time. The hike was really pretty with a slot canyon.

Saturday the forecast was rain. The dirt road to our camp had some steep parts so we wanted to get moved out before the rain started so we wouldn't get stuck. We went to Goblin Valley that morning and stayed until noon when it started raining. It was cold, cloudy and windy. This time we explored the west side of the valley.

A rabbit we chased at camp Friday morning.

Lunch on Saturday before leaving back home.

Kaden knew we would see some water on our hike. He picked up this rock and carried it and told me he wanted to throw it in the water and he did.

Friday night we had s'mores planned for dessert. It was way too windy so we had to improvise.

Saturday morning...

The view on our drive to Goblin Valley...

More views of the drive...

We left after lunch and made it home Saturday afternoon. A snow storm rolled in at home that night so I'm glad we went home when we did. I can't wait to go to Goblin Valley again. There is so much to explore and there's something for every age. I love Utah and all these fun places to visit.