Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Halloween 2017

We went to the Halloween party at the rec center. Marshall had to work late and so I ended up taking the kids by myself. It is a fun party but so crowded. It was exhausting trying to keep everyone together. I'm glad it's not the norm for me to take the kids by myself. We all missed having Marshall there. We had an extra ticket so James brought a friend along.

I like how Taggart stuck his arm out instead of his head.

There was a science booth that was pretty cool. These bubbles are made with dry ice. Each kid got to hold one and then pop it.

This was the best Halloween parade yet. It was fun seeing James, Lynnlee and Kaden. The minis sat still and watched the whole time without any problems.
Kaden was Spiderman the last two years so I was really surprised when he wanted to again this year. Not complaining though, I'm glad the costume still fit.

Lynnlee is the sweetest witch. She was pretty excited when she picked this costume out at the store because it lights throughout the skirt.

James wanted to be a narwhal. He has been obsessed for the last year. This costume was no where to be found in the US for a reasonable price but thankfully I had time to order it from China. This is the second time ordering something from China and I'm completely amazed. Items are the same price if not cheaper. The only hassle is waiting two weeks instead of two days.

We went trick-or-treating in Heber. Marshall and I went all out this year and dressed up as salt and pepper 😆😉  Don't you just love my dad's shark costume!
The minis were amazed that people were just giving out candy. They were so excited the first few houses. Then about forty-five minutes later they were happy staying inside. Kaden lasted about two hours. James and Lynnlee went all out and were trick or treating for four hours with cousins.