Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Marshall's 35th Birthday

Marshall is great at surprises so I wanted to try and make his birthday a fun day with his favorite food and presents that would be a surprise. I stressed over it in the weeks leading up to it.
Trying to come up with surprise presents did not go so well. I ordered something online and then he came home with a similar item from Costco. I didn't realize he liked to paint until after his birthday, otherwise that would have been great. One present I ordered online didn't arrive until after his birthday. The food was a flop as well. The lasagna was dry and the frozen strawberry squares were too creamy. Just goes to show that life isn't perfect as it may appear in pictures. It's all good though. I will try again in another year.

Marshall has started a tradition in the past two years of going to a movie with each kid on their birthday. So it's only appropriate that we go to a movie with him on his birthday. We saw The Grinch. It was very good until we both fell asleep. It's not that we didn't like it but we were both low on sleep. The kids loved it! 

Marshall's parent's came over for dinner. They also brought Christmas presents and did a Christmas lesson. It was a fun night!