Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Derailed Rollercoaster

I told Marshall that I felt like a derailed rollercoaster this week. There was so much to do, not enough time and the things on my to-do list weren’t getting done. Moving was its own crazy and then my seasonal job started and I hit the ground running. In the middle of that I was hired and trained for a job starting after my seasonal job ends. That’s on top of kid stuff, house stuff, church stuff, PTA stuff, etc. 
Today I locked myself out of my car for the first time ever in my life! Another example of the state of my brain.
Thankfully my friend brought me my extra set of keys. 
It’s now the end of the week and thankfully I can say that the roller-coaster is back on track. I finished a lot of things on my to-do list, got more sleep, and had quality family time.