Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Swiss Days

I got to go to Swiss Days Friday morning with my mom, Betsy and Aunt Donna. It was fun but really crowded. Probably the most crowded time to go. It seemed like all the moms in Utah decided to go while their kids were in school. 
*note to self for next year: don’t go Friday morning* We went back that night as a family and it was much cooler and way less crowded.

Saturday morning some of us ran the Swiss Days 10k. Kade was so excited because he set a goal at the beginning of summer to run it. He didn’t train as much so I was a little worried but he did so good! James and Marshall ran it as well and James got a PR! We talked Kjersti into running and she did great! It was her first race and she did it with no training! I ran it with Kade as a support but didn’t register. I haven’t been feeling myself since October and with my hamstring injury I was worried I wouldn’t be able to finish the race. Thankfully I kept up with Kade during the race and we listened to his favorite music (Weird Al 😆) and he told me funny stories. I loved getting to encourage him and cheer him on!
He finished in 1:02!! 3rd in his age group!
James’s friend ran it too!

Next was the parade. We had low expectations because we heard they wouldn’t be handing out candy and that’s the only reason my kids go. Then it turns out this was the most candy my kids have ever gotten. 
Jenny and Ben joined us. Taggart and Sienna had so much fun with him!
The rest for the day was spent shopping, cooking off indoors, then more shopping. Taggart and Sienna wanted to spend every last penny.
James and Marshall helped in the scone booth Saturday afternoon.

It was a very hot year at Swiss Days but we still enjoyed it. The older my kids get, the better it is. I also like their independence and sending them off to shop in pairs. I loved shopping with my friends when I was a kid. I remember going to the mall with a friend and splitting up from her mom and just being able to shop on our own. It was so fun!