Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



Halloween was great for my kids. They woke up and all got their costumes on. We didn’t have white face paint for Sienna but we did have very white sunscreen that stays white even when you rub it on. So we used that.
Lynnlee’s costume was Sara Sanderson but for school she wore the Power Puff girls sweatsuit.
The Halloween parade was really fun! 
Aunt Betsy was a life saver for trick or treating. She took the minis around. Kade went with friends.
James and his friends had a party.
Lynnlee and her friends went trick or treating for a bit and then hung out at Brooklyn’s.
Marshall handed out candy. I unfortunately had bowel prep for a colonoscopy. I didn’t plan the timing but had to go with that because it was the only opening for months. It was quite the memorable Halloween for me drinking clear liquids all day and then bowel prepping all night.