Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


I know I'm a little crazy...

Being a nurse has made me very paranoid especially whenever Marshall or James get sick. I guess it's one of those things where I think of all the things that "could" happen and so I freak out. Marshall has had an infected gland right underneath his jaw for a week. He's on antibiotics for it but it hasn't seemed to help much yet. It doesn't really stop him from working or playing church ball. Last night he came home from church ball shivering like crazy! (normally he's all sweaty!) I wanted to take his temperature but he kept resisting and saying he was fine. Finally I talked him into letting me take it - or scared him into it after I told him all the things it "could" mean. I took his temperature and he had a fever. All night I worried about him and then this morning I took his temperature and it was back to normal. Sometimes it's better not to know what "could" happen. It's like the saying "Ignorance is bliss!"