Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


18 more days...

There are only 18 more days until a race I've been training for, for months. I'm running the Salt Lake City Half Marathon on April 18th. I'm 10% nervous and the rest is pure excitement. It's been a blast to train for. James comes with me in the jogger stroller. However strollers aren't allowed in the race so I'm going to miss his company.

In high school I helped my sister Ali train for a marathon. I would run with her on the short days and on the long days rollerblade along side of her. I saw how hard it was and thought I could never run a marathon. I was a little hesitant to train for a half marathon but the training is different than a marathon. The long runs aren't as long and I enjoy them because of that.

I've enjoyed running since I was in high school. I never ran on the cross country team but I would run for exercise. Ali and I had fun running a couple of 5k races together.

I just found out yesterday that I get to run the Wasatch Back this summer! It is something I wanted to do last year but I had one thing stopping me. I was 7 months pregnant. So I am way excited to get to participate this summer! Our team consists of 12 girls. The race is 178 miles from Logan to Park City. Each team member runs 3 legs of the race over a 24 hour period. It's complete madness and fun at the same time. I can't wait!