Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Nap time

Today James woke up a little earlier than normal but seemed to be happy this morning. I had planned to go walking around ten. When I asked James if he wanted to go for a walk he was excited and helped me get him dressed(usually it's a battle to get him dressed), but as soon as he went outside he wanted nothing to do with the stroller. I was being selfish and really wanted to go walking so even though he was crying and refused to go in the stroller, I made him get in anyway. He through the biggest fit. He cried and wiggled around in the stroller for the first part of the walk. He was so mad and wouldn't calm down for any bribes- fruit snacks, toys, etc. (Is this the start of the "Terrible Twos?") So finally I let him out and he stopped crying and walked along side of us. He pretty much walked about half a mile up a hill to the park. Then he played at the park for atleast half hour. He let me buckle him in the stroller for the way home. When we got home he started playing with his toys so I decided to wait and put him down for his nap. In the mornings he usually plays well with his toys so I can take a shower while Lynnlee is napping. So I decided to hurry and shower while he was playing. When I came downstairs I had a short panick attack because I couldn't hear him or find him. Then I walked into the kitchen and found this:
I should have guessed how tired he would be from waking up early, walking and playing at the park. He must have been really tired to be able to fall asleep on a cold, hard floor.