Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



The nice thing about living close to family is the ability to get together frequently and celebrate birthdays.

Many people on both sides of our families share February 26th as their birthday. We had a fun birthday weekend having parties with both families. Saturday we went swimming at the rec center in Kamas. Why can't Utah County have a rec center like that one? Well they do but there are little rules that make the Utah county ones not as good. Lehi only allows life jackets so how do I take two kids by myself if Lynnlee can't be in a little float tube? American Fork only has their pool with a playground open in the summer. So now that you have heard my pool woes. Let me get on with the rest of the post:)

Lynnlee and James love the water. We swam for two hours and I think they both would have stayed longer. (It looks like James needs his nose wiped but it's just road rash.)

I was also impressed by the 3 year old there that went of the high dive by himself. Crazy that his parents let him and even crazier that he wanted to!