Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


One Year Old

Lynnlee celebrated her first birthday on Saturday! It is such a milestone for her and we are so excited! Olivia took some great pictures of her!

We had a party for her at my parent's house. It was a fun night with my family and some of Marshall's family. Not only did we enjoy the birthday festivities but we had the BYU game on as well. Everyone stayed entertained one way or another.

It's tradition to give the guests a little picture frame with their One Year picture. Andrea started this tradition for us and I think it's so fun! Here is the little cake I made for Lynnlee.

I don't claim to be a great cake decorator but I like to make cakes. I would rather make it myself and save a few dollars.

This is about the best smile, if you can even call it a smile, we could get out of Lynnlee all day. Probably not the best idea to get her shots a day before the party.

She didn't dig into the cake much but had fun licking off the frosting.

James was more than helpful when it was time to open her presents. It was a little overwhelming for her anyways so I guess it's good she has a big brother to help her out.
One of the presents she got is this cute pony. She's had a good time scooting around and it's nice to have some girly toys in the house.

Here's to another year!
Hopefully she won't need another surgery until 2-4 years of age so we are excited for this coming year where hopefully we can stay away from the hospital except for check ups.