Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


18 months and funny quotes

Lynnlee is 18 months. It has gone by so fast but at the same time I can't believe everything that's happened since she joined our family.

She is growing and doing pretty well. She will have a procedure next month to help some problems in her heart but then she should be good for awhile.

Lynnlee is shy around others but really happy and energetic at home.

She loves when Marshall gets home from work and does tricks with her.

She and James are buddies and they miss each other when they are apart.

Kids say funny things and now that James is talking a lot he says a lot of funny things.

When James and Lynnlee were in the stroller on our morning run yesterday James saw the moon and said, "When I'm superman I am going to fly to the moon and touch it."

Another morning he said, "When I get older I want to drive a school bus."

I was pumping up the stroller tire this one morning and James asked what I was doing and I told him I was pumping up the tire. Then my arms got tired because it was taking so long to fill up so I took a rest. James asked what I was doing and I told him my arms were tired. Then he said, "do they need to go to sleep?"