Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Weekend Away

Marshall was in Nashville last week for work so my kids and I stayed in Heber. It was a lot of fun most the time. They had a lot of fun playing with Lucy, playing at the park, riding on the boat, playing with Aunt Betsy and swimming in the lake. With all of the fun, it's no surprise they were exhausted by Sunday. They were ticking time bombs for the biggest melt downs of the year. Which conveniently happened throughout the day to each child on Mother's Day. I have even more appreciation for single moms now. Definitely not a Mother's Day for the memory books. Thanks to my mom and Betsy for all of their help through the weekend. I would not have survived without them.

Here are some pictures of the good times from the weekend:

Kaden caused all sorts of trouble getting into everything at a non baby proof house. He's fast so I had a hard time keeping up with him.

He loved the wagon ride to the park. He looks like such a big boy!

These three had the best time together. They put swim suits on and played in the sprinkler on Friday. I love this weather!

It wouldn't be a trip to Heber without a stop at the DK. Kaden made sure to get his share of the fries.

Saturday we enjoyed our time on the new boat. The boat is so fun and perfect for the whole family. My kids really surprised me. Kaden giggled and smiled when we went fast. James swam in the lake with his cousins.

Good thing the boat has a bathroom. Lynnlee definitely had it broken in by her 4th time using it. Thanks to Betsy for helping her since I had my hands full with Kaden.

I know this face has you convinced he was unhappy but it's just the life jacket squeezing his cheeks. He really was a happy boater.

Lynnlee didn't want to get all the way in but had fun going up and down the ladder dipping her legs in.

These two were chatting away about their boating experience. Ok, I don't know what they are really talking about but they were so cute together.

This was the only picture I got from Sunday. One of the only times they were all happy :)