Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



If you have had a baby with a clogged tear duct then you know how awful it is wiping their eyes every minute of every day for a whole year. It is difficult to stay on top of so your baby end up with a green goopy eye half the time. Kaden had a clogged tear duct since birth. The only time it would clear up was when he was on a round of antibiotics. The doctor told me most cases clear up on their own by 9 months. Kaden's didn't so we had to take him to a pediatric ophthalmologist who prepped him for eye surgery to open up the duct. The doctor said she would give Kaden until he is 12 months to see if it would clear up and if not then he would have surgery. I was not excited for him to have surgery. I know their are worst things but surgery is so expensive and we have already gone the rounds with Lynnlee. You never know how babies are going to do with anesthesia and all that goes with it. We have been fasting and praying for a miracle. Kaden turns one on Monday so time is running out. I'm am here to tell you we witnessed a miracle this week. Kaden's eye cleared up and so no surgery for him! Woo!