Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


5 Years Old!

Happy 5th birthday to James this month! Birthdays just get more fun every year as I figure out fun traditions to add to each birthday. James really wanted breakfast in bed. Luckily he wanted donuts for breakfast so not too messy. He got to open up his presents in bed too.

It was fun to see how excited Lynnlee got about James's birthday.

One of his presents was a set of bike accessories. So after breakfast we decked out his bike.

Then we went to Manila Pond in Pleasant Grove. It was our first time going there and it was a lot of fun. There is a sandy beach and the water is shallow so we could wade in it to cool off. Also important features: a bathroom and a hose to spray off.

Next on the agenda: ice cream with Grandma Ruth and Papa Kelly. Granny J also came along for the ride and it was fun to spend time with her. James opened up his present while we were there. He got a ninja turtle costume so he modeled it for us.

To end the day off right we went to Chuck-E-Cheese. Good times! I don't think that place has changed since I went there as a kid. 
It was so fun to see how happy James, Lynnlee and Kaden were there. Betsy joined us. We had fun helping the kids with the games and chasing Kaden around. He gets around fast and was hard to keep track of.

These are faces of very happy kids!

Good thing Chucky himself came to wish James a happy birthday. James really wanted to meet him and it totally made his day!