Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Weekend in Boise

Its been way too long since we went to Boise. We finally got to go a few weekends ago to visit Bonnie and Olivia. We stayed at a hotel close by. My kids loved it and James kept calling it our home. He asked if his cousins could come see our house. Ha ha, so funny how his mind works. My kids haven't been on very long car rides but they did surprisingly well during the long drive. Thanks to lots of treats and movies. Instead of telling James how long it would take to get there in hours we just told him it was a three movie drive.

We drove up Friday and got to swim in the pool with cousins.

They loved the bed they got to sleep in.

Saturday we spent the day at a beautiful park.

There was a nature center with fish, turtles and some other animals.

Checking out the fish in the river.

Lynnlee started hiding out in this closet and pretending it was her house. I had to get a picture for the memory books.

It's always tricky keeping Kaden happy through church. These two were double tricky but had fun playing in this chair during relief society.

We definitely won't wait 6 years again before going back to visit. We had a great time. Thanks Bonnie and Olivia!