Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



I've been wanting to do this post for awhile. A few weeks ago for family night, we had a lesson on our body is a temple. We told them that there may be times when all of your friends are doing something bad but you still shouldn't do it. I told him it would be a really hard decision because when you see all of your friends doing it you might think its a good choice even though deep down you know it is a bad choice.

A few days later James came home and told me what happened at school that day. He was sitting in class and a girl got out her scissors from her pencil box and cut her hair. Pretty soon half of the class had their scissors out and were cutting their own hair. The whole class had to go to the principal's office while they called the parents of those involved. Most of them were his friends so he could have easily joined in. He knew it was a bad choice though and he didn't do it. I was so happy that he learned something from family night.