Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Weekly Minis

It hasn't really worked out to take pictures of the minis the last few Sundays. They are so wiggly that it is near impossible to take a picture of them before they crawl away. So the weekly pictures are a little different this time. They are officially 11 months old. We have come a long way. They are definitely getting easier but it is still exhausting doing everything twice 24/7.

The minis got some water table action. They love being outside with everyone else. I ended up having to put a blanket underneath them, after this picture was taken, because the grass was making them fussy.

They are spending a lot more time in the stroller these days. They used to hate it but they are starting to adjust.

Thank goodness for double seater shopping carts! It is so nice to have hands free at the store.