Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Thanksgiving '15

Thanksgiving was such a great holiday! We spent it with my family. Ali was a great hostess. She had lots of yummy hors d'oeuvres. Then Thanksgiving dinner was amazing with a perfectly cooked turkey, ham and lots of delicious sides.

The minis aren't great at posing for the camera but they loved getting their own plate of food.

The kids table was very energetic! These guys had a blast all day long playing.

It was fun being around one table as adults. I love big gatherings but small gatherings are fun too.

My dad is so great. He entertained the kids in the basement playing Dr. Mario after dinner. It is his favorite game and the kids loved it too.

We went for a walk after, the minis napped,  and we cleaned up. The guys went to the movies during the afternoon. A few of us went shopping for a bit when the stores opened.
Then we made crafts. The kids made ornaments at their table.

We made crafts from the Wood Connection. We love their crafts because you can finish them in a short amount of time.
Here's the finished product.
I really do feel so very blessed. It's been the most trying year with our renter but it's been good to re-prioritize and focus on what matters most.