Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Weekly Minis

The minis are officially 18 months old. We love when they wake up in the morning and we all go in their rooms and get them out of their cribs. 
They had their check up last week. Taggart weighs 21 lbs (3%) and is 30 inches (5%) long.
Sienna is 22 lbs (28%) and 32 inches (75%) long.

They are going down the growth chart so we are trying to get them to eat better. It's hard though because they are so picky. I posted about them eating at the table. The next day was a disaster though. they made a huge mess and they kept stealing each others food and fighting. It was rough and so they are now back in their high chairs for meals.

We had cabin fever so we went outside one afternoon.

Taggart wishes we could go outside more. He likes wearing his winter coat around inside. His pants were off the other day from changing his diaper and then he wanted his boots on. He had quite the style going.

The minis can get up the ladder in the boys' room. They aren't a fan of the slide off the bed so they hang out on the top bunk.

The minis take one nap a day now. It means a lot more time together. Don't be deceived by this picture because they are getting along but this is not the case most of the time. They fight about 80% of the time and are friends 20% of the time.