Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Weekly Minis

The Minis are getting better at posing for pictures.

I don't get to play the piano much because I have lots of little competition.

I took Lynnlee, Kaden and the Minis to the dinosaur museum last week. I didn't take a stroller and it all worked out really well with the minis not running in opposite directions. They were just taking it all in and keeping a close eye on me. It was a really fun outing!

It may be below freezing outside but we are loving going outside in the afternoons.

Lately at least one of the minis always wants held. I have to remind myself to enjoy it since they are the babies of the family. It is exhausting though always holding one or sometimes both.

The minis love standing by the window and watching for James and Lynnlee. Once they see them they giggle and get really excited. Sienna is starting to say a lot of words and is like our family parrot repeating everything you say. Taggart is more quiet but today I said Vroom and he said vrooooo!