Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Diamond Fork Hot Springs

Marshall and I were planning on hiking Mount Timpanogos this summer. We couldn't find a free day until September but by then there was fresh snow on top. Then the actual day we were suppose to hike it, it was snowing and you couldn't even see the mountain.

We decided to go up Diamond Fork Canyon instead. It was sunny and blue skies there. My brother loves Diamond Fork and has hiked to the hot springs many times. I've always wanted to check it out. It was so different than I imagined. I loved it there.

Marshall flew his drone in the parking lot when we got to there.

This was my view from the parking lot.

This was taken at the beginning of the hike. You follow the river for two and a half miles to get to the hot springs.

The colors were beautiful! It was so exciting to hike it during the fall and have so many breathtaking views.

The hot springs go for about a quarter of a mile. There was a range of temperatures to choose from depending on where the hot water was coming in.

Isn't the water color beautiful?!

We tried a few of the pools out. It wasn't a cold day and so I didn't sit in them for very long. Marshall was definitely more adventurous.