Lowry Family Life
President's Day
During the times she was going slower and James was bored he made snowballs as he went down and threw them at Marshall.
One of the lifts has an orange bubble that comes down with the safety bar and foot rest.
Midway Ice Rink
Kaden ended up getting pushed in the stroller and the minis ran around on the ice with the orange walker. Then everyone was happy.
It was 50 degrees so it was nice that we weren't freezing cold.
We went ice skating a year ago and Lynnlee never got the hang of it. It's amazing what a difference a year makes.
Valentine's Day '17
I attempted a heart hair style for Lynnlee. It wasn't quite what the original picture looked like but close.
Lynnlee made a valentine bag with her class. James got to make a valentine box at home for his class. He said he wanted BB-8. I'm so glad I talked to Ali before we started making it because her suggestions for making it were way better than what I had planned. We found these white bowls from the dollar store. I cut ten pieces of cardboard into rings and glued them to each other and taped them in between the bottom bowls to give it a space for the valentine's to drop in. Marshall designed the the bowl on top so it rotated and moved around. So creative! Ali designed the cute graphics. She's amazing. James colored the graphics, cut them out and helped glue them on.
I forgot to take pictures when we first finished and so the papers all got a little wrinkly at school.
We had dinner at home as a family that night. I forgot to take a picture but thank goodness for left overs for lunch the next day. I snapped this picture. I got the heart strawberry idea on Pinterest. :)
Matchy Twins
Lynnlee and Sienna love to match and I love taking pictures of them. I love looking at the pictures I have with my sisters from when I was a child.
After they got dressed they also wanted to have matching hair.
I had been praying to find a work at home job and then my friend told me her company was hiring nurses to work from home. I knew it was an answer to prayer. I would have never found the job posting on my own. I tried not to get my hopes up when I applied because I have no experience in this specialty. Thankfully I got the job. I'm officially a HEDIS RN.
HEDIS stands for Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set. HEDIS is a tool used by health plans to measure performance of care and service. I will be collecting the data that shows if the care and service are being received.
I started training Monday and it was very overwhelming. Luckily it's all from home, even the training but being a mom is a full time job and there isn't a lot of free time for work so I stayed up late Monday. Thankfully with my mom and aunt Pat's help Tuesday and Wednesday I was able to get the training done during normal day hours. I felt much better by Wednesday night. It has been hard learning new computer programs along with the new job but it's getting a little better each day.
Here's what the internet says: Setsubun is a holiday celebrated in Japan on February 3. It celebrates the coming of the lunar New Year and the coming of spring. Many Japanese people celebrate this holiday at the temples and shrines, where some of the ancient traditions are practiced.
One of the traditions of Setsubun is "mamemaki", throwing beans out of the front door of the house, or at the Oni (demons) in their Oni masks. When throwing the beans, the people say,"Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi", which means "Out with the demons, in with the good luck."
We celebrated this last weekend. Marshall came to the door with his mask on. He knocked on the door and the kids answered. The kids said "Oni was soto, fuku was uchi" while throwing beans at him. They were laughing and had so much fun participating in this Japanese tradition.
Thanks Takahashi family!
Warm February
Another day we made this box.
He even fits inside with the lid on.
The possibilities are endless.
65th Birthday
After tubing we went to my parent's house for dinner and cake and ice cream. I'm so grateful for my dad and all he does for my family. He's a great example to my kids.