Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Fall Break: Friday Anniversary Date

Friday of fall break was the day we celebrated our 17th Anniversary. We knew it wouldn't work to celebrate it on the actual day. All of the kids stayed at Grandma Ruth's. 

We may be getting older but we celebrated like we were kids again. We started off indoor skydiving at iFly. I was SO nervous. I was second guessing my decision, freaking out in my head and wanting to chicken out. It was no big deal for Marshall and he did it no problem. I followed directions exactly and it all went well. It was really fun and way different than I thought. The way it goes is you get two total minutes. You do it in two- one minute turns. We had six others in our group so we each took turns. After I went it was nice to watch the others. The last thirty seconds you get to go up high in the tunnel and back down and up and down a few times like you are skydiving. I thought I wouldn't like it because of my fear of heights. It is a unique feeling though and doesn't induce butterflies like heights do because of the wind pushing up on me. I think I could actually handle sky diving even though I won't be signing up to do it anytime soon. 



We rock climbed after and then did the flow rider last. It was all so fun! I especially love the flow rider after staying in Jamaica and getting good at boogie boarding.

We had dinner at Tokyo Station and sat around the grill. It was pretty good but not as good as Beni Hana's and Tokyo Steakhouse in Lehi.


The temple was very close. It was so beautiful to see it glowing at the end of the street.


We got back to Heber when the kids were eating at Dairy Keen. We met up with them for dessert. We all slept over that night so we could stay up playing Dr. Mario.