Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Lynnlee's 13th Birthday

Lynnlee is 13!!! She is a responsible and kind 13-year-old. She is a great friend to others, even those different than her. She is a super helper and second mom to her siblings. She loves to do arts, crafts, play soccer, bake, and play games. She is enjoying 7th grade. She is a straight A student and in the advanced classes. 

She had a fun birthday weekend. The timing of my surgery was tricky but she was great at helping prepare and decorate. We bought everything before so she and Marshall set everything up while I directed them from the couch.

Her actual birthday was Sunday but her party was Saturday. The YW leaders set up a birthday sign with balloons.

The party favors were Easter candy tubes.
Her friends met at our house and then Marshall took them to an escape room.
It was a science lab theme escape room. 

They came back to our house for ice cream cake and Lynnlee opened presents. I stayed in my room but watched on the Nest camera. 

Lynnlee designed her own birthday invitation. 
That night she went to a movie with Marshall and invited to Sienna to come along. The movie was called School of Magical Animals. 
On Sunday she got chocolate chip pancakes. Her birthday dinner was shrimp alfredo. Grandma Ruth and Papa Kelly came for dinner.