Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Girls Lunch

It's always fun to have girl time when Katie is in town. We went out to lunch at Midway Mercantile. Their fish tacos are soooo yummy!

I'm glad Andrea could go out with us. She's been busy getting ready for the wedding so it was nice she had time.

Lehi Round Up and Hauser Cousins

After the bake sale we all went to Lehi for the mini float parade and booths in the park. 

Brig and Mir slept over and then we went to the grand parade on Saturday morning. 

Lynnlee invited some friends to watch it with us. We had fun cheering on James's friends in student council, friends with mini floats, ward members on sports teams or band, etc.


Cousin's Bake Sale

Katie's family came to town and so we had bake sale. This year we had some Suss's cookies: chocolate chip and sugar cookie. We also had peanut butter bars, marshmallow brownies, suckers, lemonade, fruity pebbles crispy treats, and cocoa pebbles rice Krispy treats. I don't think it was as busy as it has been in previous years but still good. The kids had fun as always. 


Sienna's Sewing Camp

Sienna did a sewing camp with London. They made a skirt, an apron, drawstring bag and a quilted banner. The sewing teacher is named Mary Alice. She has  her camp in a cute little detached building from her house. I was going to sign her up for the same camp that Lynnlee went to but there were no openings when I started to look into it. 

Savannah's Bridal Shower

 My mom and Betsy hosted a bridal shower for Savannah, Jack's fiance. Lynnlee and I were happy to help. Lynnlee is great at balloon arches so she helped Betsy and it turned out great! Sienna was really sad she couldn't be there but she had her last day at sewing camp and she couldn't miss.

The shower was a success. It was fun to get to know Savannah's family better.

Fishing with Grandpa Dan

Marshall was going to take the boys on a practice hike and camp out for Wind Rivers but he hurt his ankle. So then they changed their plan to camping in his parent's backyard and fishing the next morning. Sienna wanted to go since it didn't involve a hike anymore. They had a successful morning fishing.

FSY for Lynnlee

It is not a FSY year for our stake. The cool thing is that if locations don't fill up they open it up to anyone. Snow College never fills up so there was space for Lynnlee to go with her best friend Hannah.

It was fun texting Lynnlee everyday and she sent lots of pictures. She had a great week and didn't want to come home. 

Her group was pretty small. She really liked her counselors.
They made a new friend.