Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Park Hopping and Tag at the pool with friends

 Park hopping is the most fun way to see a bunch of parks, not get bored, and take up lots of time.  Everyone else was gone except Sienna. It worked out for London, Scarlet and Jack to go with us. Sienna loved having the cousins to herself. Chewie also got to go and he loved it! We started at Bandwagon Park. I didn't get a picture there. We stayed for about twenty minutes and then went to Wine's.

We didn't stay very long there, surprisingly. Next was Dry Creek Park. We stayed here way longer than I thought. There was a bake sale here so we all got a snack. 

Meanwhile, Tag was at the pool with his soccer buddies: Eli, Cole and Gio. 
He got spoiled with ice cream after and more time with his friends.
Hunter Park was next. We stayed her for at least an hour. I was amazed at how much they enjoyed this park.
It wasn't the playground that they enjoyed but the trees, grass and area down the hill. 

Our last park was the new park by Brooke's house. It's called Adam's All-abilities playground. We didn't have much time here but it's ok because it was really crowded. 
Cam and Brooke took Sienna with them to see the movie "If." It was a fun way for them to end their park hopping day.