Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Win Anyway

I completed my first week of graduate school. It was a roller-coaster ride. One second I was feeling totally fine about everything and then next second I was panicking and overwhelmed. By the end of the week I felt great and on top of things. I know the beginning of every semester is overwhelming no matter what you're studying, how old you are, or whether it's under grad or graduate level. I remember feeling overwhelmed when I did my ASN at Weber as a 19-year-old. It's just the nature of getting used to the professors, class load, flow of homework, reading, and lectures. It will get better after I get the flow. 

This song played on my Pandora every day this week and sometimes multiple times. I felt like it was a message from Heavenly Father saying you got this, you can do it, don't give up. I know this is what I am suppose to be doing right now. I've had so many feelings, signs and direction that I can't deny it. Sometimes when I question it all, feel like I'm not smart enough, or that I can't do it, I just have to remember that the Lord will help me through one day at a time.