Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Clear Creek

 Clear Creek is a camp owned by the Alpine school district. When James was in fifth grade he got to stay over night for a field trip with his grade. Covid ruined it for Lynnlee so she didn't get to go during school for a field trip but she got to go to a summer day camp with Hannah. Kade got to go up for the day when he was in fifth grade. Now it was Tag's and Sienna's turn. I didn't go with the others but since Tag and Sienna are the youngest, I got to go with them. I got to drive separately so Tag and Sienna chose to go with me rather than take the bus. They got endless screen time. We did get lost trying to find it and that was a little worrisome trying to find it. At that point they regretted driving with me. The GPS led us astray. I thought I had it navigating to it but when the GPS said we were there, we were in the middle of a little town called Clear Creek. The town was kind of like a dead end as far as paved roads go. There were three dirt roads from there. We tried each one but turned around after 50 feet because they got steep and there was no way a bus could go up the road. On the last dirt road we found another mom driving around looking for Clear Creek. We teamed up to try to find it. We were both lost together though. The minis and I had said a prayer. As we were driving through the small town that had been quiet with not a soul in sight, we saw a man get out of his truck heading towards his home. We stopped and asked him for directions. He gave us the correct directions and we found Clear Creek! We were worried we would be very late but the busses were running late so we got there not too long after everyone else. When we pulled up everyone was unloading and using the restrooms.

I was assigned to Tag's and Sienna's group. They rotated through stations all day. It was very cold but in the sunshine is felt a lot warmer. They started in the ropes course area which involved a lot of fun activities. Definitely a favorite rotation.

We got to analyze soil, go on a hike, learn about the trees, and make decomposition boxes.

After all of these years of hearing about Clear Creek it was fun to see what it actually looked like.