Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Lynnlee's Morning Sunrise

Lynnlee and her friends wanted to watch the sunrise from a place with a good view. We weren't really sure the best place. I was a little surprised they wanted to do it in the fall when the mornings are cool. I thought she should wait until next spring or summer. Thankfully she didn't listen to me because this worked out really well and if she had waited for a different day it wouldn't have worked. This Saturday they chose was clear and cold but not too cold. It was before the time change so the sunrise was not too early. 

At first we were going to a random park called Sunrise park in Lehi. Lynnlee had googled a good place in Lehi to watch the sunrise and that was one of the results. We ended up going to Lehi Family Park aka the LaRoca fields because they would be up high, could see the sunrise or watch it light up the valley to the west. Lynnlee made hot chocolate for her friends and we had styrofoam cups with lids. They took some coats and blankets. I dropped them off and then parked down the street.

They looked west and watched the valley light up and then they turned around and watch the sunrise.
After, I took them to Waffle Love and they had breakfast. I am writing about this six weeks later so I have to add that the next Saturday was too cloudy so they wouldn't have been able to see the sunrise. The week after that was daylight savings so they would have had to get up even earlier. Then I think it was even colder after that. So they chose a good day.