Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Pool Time with my Dad

I've been taking my dad to the pool almost every week for the last 4 weeks. It is so exciting to see his progress. The first time he lasted less than 5 minutes. The next time was around 30 minutes. The most recent was the best and he swam for almost an hour. He even got to kick back and forth with his fins. 

My dad took me lap swimming as I grew up so now it is fun to take him. It makes me so happy.


Kade's Running

Kade's coach asked for the boys to start running 3 miles, 3 times per week to get ready for an upcoming tournament so they could be in shape for the field. I took Kade and Tag Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays to the rec center to get in their miles. Tag didn't have to but wanted to. He is a good runner too and has a future in cross country. Both did a great job running through the month of January.