Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Papa Kelly's Birthday

We had a great day celebrating my dad's 72th birthday! Ali and Dan put together the perfect day and the rest of us were lucky to go along for the ride. Ali, Dan and Papa Kelly drove in the Tesla and Katie drove the rest of us in the Tahoe. We drove to Hinckley to the cemetery. It was a beautiful day! Katie was in town for the week and it was fun to catch up with her. She is also Stake YW president so we swapped stories and advice. I love having the same calling as my sister!

My mom packed really yummy chicken salad sandwiches and we had a picnic lunch in the cemetery near our relatives' graves. It was a beautiful sunny day. Then we had white Texas sheet cake for dessert and sang happy birthday to my dad. He is making such good progress in his recovery! 

He drove around the cemetery looking for Tesla ghosts and then we drove around Hinckley. We headed back home after that. It was so fun celebrating him and being with my mom and sisters (and Dan).