Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Thoughts on Motherhood

Being a first time Mom I find myself learning and experiencing new things everyday. It's so cool to be there when James has his "first" moments. One second he can't sit up on his own and the next second he can. One second he doesn't know how to crawl and the next second he is crawling. You get the idea. It makes motherhood so rewarding and exciting to see them grow and develop.

It's funny how these feelings of excitement change when they use their new abilities to climb the stairs, chew on cords, play with the electric outlet, stand up in the tub when your trying to soap them down, get into all the cupboards, etc. There is so much more responsibility.

I think the quote totally applies, "Where much is given, much is required." The more abilities James develops, the more baby proofing needed. The more he needs to learn what is good and bad, and what is right and wrong. It's crazy to think that in a sense "baby proofing" will take place all of his life. For example when he starts school he will have to be "baby proofed" or taught was is good and bad. When he learns to drive he will learn the correct way to drive, how to avoid accidents, etc.

The more that is given the more that is required. I'm glad babies don't require much when they are first born, just food, sleep, and security. By the time they are teenagers they require that plus much more. I'm glad as parents we are able to prepare for their increasing needs and abilities. It would be pretty overwhelming to start out with a baby that needed everything a teenager needs.

Tonight when I was making dinner I had to keep peeking into the family room to see what James was up to because each time he was doing something completely different. I can see why babies get so many bumps and bruises because even if you leave the room for a second who knows what will happen.

Motherhood.........isn't it the greatest!