Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Sea World

We spent 2 days at SeaWorld. I didn't take as many pictures this time since we just went in July and I took a lot then. Here are some of the pictures I took. Thank goodness James loves being in the stroller because he was in it a lot. Here's near the entrance to the park.

I think this car is so cute!

It seemed like the animals were more active this time so it made it more fun for James. It's hard to see the seal in this picture because it blends in with the rocks.

There are more seals in the middle of the picture but they blend in too well with their surroundings.

This bird joined us for lunch the first day. It was a pesky and fearless bird. It kept stealing Jameson's lunch right out of his hands.

The polar bear woke up right when we got there.
And he came right up to the window to say Hi.

James and I enjoyed some of the rides at Kiddie Land. Although I couldn't get him to smile for the camera.

His favorite snack was an apple.

We spent some time in the gift shop when it was raining. He loved all the stuffed animals.

"Hey this penguin is my size!"

Here's where we spent most of our time. James couldn't get enough of the water and it was 90 degrees both days so it was nice to cool off.

To see pictures from our trip to SeaWorld in July click on the "SeaWorld" under "Labels" on the right hand column of the blog.