Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Pictures of James

This post is for those who don't get to see James very often. He's always changing and doing fun things. Sometimes I'm lucky to catch a picture of it. These are taken from my phone so some of them are a little blurry.
One night I was making dinner and heard James up in his room just chatting away to himself. I tiptoed upstairs to make sure he was ok. I found him in his rocking chair reading to himself.

Beckie is always so great to watch James for us. She took this picture and sent it to us so we knew James was being good. Marshall said he thought it looked like an awkward date.
James loves playing with the laundry baskets....
and this rug for some reason?
He has a shoe fettish like his Daddy. He loves taking out his shoes, lining them up, trying them on, or scattering them around the house. Tonight I was cleaning up and found one of his shoes in every room!

I know I've posted a lot of shopping cart pictures but I couldn't resist another one.

One day James....

He normally has pants on but his pants got wet from playing in the puddles outside so I took them off when we came in. Then he found Marshall's shoes.
He does this periodically. It's like he doesn't like our music or something :)

The weather has been nice and so we were able to go to the park last week.

We've been working on our quiet books at Beckie's each week. James plays with his cousins who are both girls and so it's hard to avoid pink toys :)
My parents have 6 weeks left on their mission! It's crazy to think they will soon get to see James in person!