Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Snow Fun

It has been such a weird winter! James has been wanting to play in the snow but we haven't had any. It started snowing last Monday night and we couldn't get James to come in the house because he wanted to keep playing in the snow. I promised him we could play the next day after he got out of preschool.

So the second he got home from preschool we put on our snow gear and headed outside before the snow all melted. They had fun making this snowman.

Lynnlee reminded me of the boy of "Christmas Story." Her snow clothes are so puffy and thick that she couldn't get up on her own after she fell down. She rolled around and whined until I picked her up. I couldn't help but laugh every time.

I pulled them around in the sled for a little while. They enjoyed it and were ready to come inside when we finished. I forgot how messy the snow makes your house. I guess that is one good thing about the lack of snow. I haven't had to mop up muddy foot prints or clean up melted snow on the floor.