Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


I Will Survive

Well, we survived the big day. We had to be there at 6:30 and we left at 7:00 tonight for shift change when visiting hours were over.

Lynnlee was off the ventilator when she got to the CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit). She was pretty uncomfortable throughout the afternoon. I can't blame her. She kept telling us, "I want to be done." She was only 7 months old for her last open heart surgery so this has been a lot harder for her and for us to see her this way. I have a huge feeling of helplessness. We couldn't hold her. They told us tomorrow should be better. They'll take some if her central lines out, she'll get liquids and some food, and we can hold her again. Thanks for all the prayers and support! We have felt them and truly appreciate them!

Thank goodness for my Aunt and Uncle who live by Shriner's hospital. We are staying here while Lynnlee is in the CICU. It's nice to know we are minutes away if she needs us.

More updates to come tomorrow.